The Panther Tank

 What do you get if you cross a beach in Brighton with a cornfield in Belgium, a hint of blue filter and a model Panther tank?

You get this:

Corn Panther

First of all the base image was taken in my studio loft, a model, painted black, shot using studio flash and my EOS 5 MkIII: f18, 1/125 sec, ISO 200 focal length 40mm.  I have lightened this image from the original taken.
Base Panther

Then I added a brush made from a pebble beach photo taken whilst at Brighton.
Pebble Panther

To add some depth and colour I added a filter layer, of course this is all about taste and so you can imagine the fun to be had here trying to choose a suitable colour and that is before adjusting the layer itself!
Blue Panther

Then I took a picture of some corn stalks in a field in Belgium near where we live, this again was applied as the background layer.
Corn Stalk Panther

So the final composite image produces the first one seen at the top.  Subtle variations can be seen by switching on and off the layers.  Time is my only restraint and imagination until I see something that pings!


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